Plant Ecology at Marshall University​

Holdrege, M.C.*, A. Kulmatiski, K.H. Beard &
K.A. Palmquist. Greater precipitation intensity increases shrub growth in arid, not mesic, ecosystems. Ecosystems 26: 568-584.

​Pennington, V.E.*,
K.A. Palmquist, J.B. Bradford & W.K. Lauenroth. Climate and soil texture influence patterns of forb species richness and composition in big sagebrush plant communities across their spatial extent in the western US. Plant Ecology 218: 957-970. 
Martyn, T.E.*,
K.A. Palmquist, J.B. Bradford, D.R. Schlaepfer & W.K. Lauenroth. Plant community predictions support the potential for big sagebrush range expansion adjacent to the leading edge. Regional Environmental Change 23: 27.

Renne, R.R.*, D.R. Schlaepfer,
K.A. Palmquist, W.K. Lauenroth & J.B. Bradford. Estimating complex ecological variables at high resolution in heterogeneous terrain using a multivariate matching algorithm. Ecosphere 15: e4811.  

Saladyga, T.†,
K.A. Palmquist† & C. Bacon§. Fire history and vegetation data reveal ecological benefits of recent high-severity fires in the Cumberland Mountains, West Virginia, USA
. Fire Ecology 18: 1-21.
Renne, R.R.
*, D.R. Schlaepfer, K.A. Palmquist, J.B. Bradford, I.C. Burke & W.K. Lauenroth. Soil and stand characteristics explain patterns of shrub mortality following global change type-drought and extreme precipitation. Ecology 100(12): e02889.
Jordan, S.E.*,
K.A. Palmquist, J.B. Bradford & W.K. Lauenroth. Soil water availability shapes species richness in mid-latitude shrub steppe plant communities. Journal of Vegetation Science 31(4): 646-657.
Jordan S.E.*,
K.A. Palmquist, I.G. Burke & W.K. Lauenroth. Small effects of livestock grazing intensification on diversity, abundance, and composition perennial in a dryland plant community. Ecological Applications, e2693.

Holdrege, M., D.R. Schlaepfer,
K.A. Palmquist, W.K. Lauenroth, C.S. Boyd, M.K. Creutzburg, M.R. Crist, K.E. Doherty, T.E. Remington, J.C. Tull, L.A. Wiechman & J.B. Bradford. Climate change promotes declines in sagebrush habitat quality. Rangeland Ecology and Management 97: 25-40 (organized special issue).

Holdrege, M.C., D.R. Schlaepfer,
K.A. Palmquist, M. Crist, K.E. Doherty, W.K. Lauenroth, T.E. Remington, K. Riley, K.C. Short, J.C. Tull, L.A. Wiechman & J.B. Bradford. Wildfire probability estimated from mean annual climate and fine fuels across the big sagebrush region. Fire Ecology 20: 22.

Fridley, J.D.† &
K.A. Palmquist
​. Herbaceous Vegetation, Species Richness in. Encyclopedia of Biodiversity 3rd edition, Volume 2: 711-718(invited contribution).

† authors contributed equally * graduate student author § undergraduate student author

Pennington, V.E.*, J.B. Bradford,
K.A. Palmquist & W.K. Lauenroth. Patterns of big sagebrush community composition and stand structure in the Western US. Rangeland Ecology and Management 72 (3): 505-514.
Palmquist, K.A., J.B. Bradford, T.E. Martyn*, D.R. Schlaepfer & W.K. Lauenroth. STEPWAT2: an individual-based model for exploring the impact of climate and disturbance on dryland plant communities. Ecosphere 9 (8): e02394.
Palmquist, K.A.​, D.R. Schlaepfer, J.B. Bradford & W.K. Lauenroth. Mid-latitude shrub steppe plant communities: Climate change consequences for soil water resources. Ecology 97(9): 2342-2354
​Peet, R.K.,
K.A. Palmquist, T.R. Wentworth, M.P. Schafale, A.S. Weakley & M.T. Lee. Carolina Vegetation Survey: an initiative to improve regional implementation of the U.S. National Vegetation Classification. Phytocoenologia 48(2): 171-179 (invited paper). 
Bradford, J.B., D.R. Schlaepfer, W.K. Lauenroth,
K.A. Palmquist, J.C. Chambers, J.D. Maestas & S.B. Campbell. Climate-driven shifts in soil temperature and moisture regimes suggest opportunities to enhance assessments of dryland resilience and resistance. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 7: 358 (invited paper).
Smith, A.J.*, D.R. Schlaepfer, K.A. Palmquist, I.C. Burke & W.K. Lauenroth​​. Allometric modeling of bunchgrasses in big sagebrush plant communities. Rangeland Ecology and Management 79: 77-86.
Rottler, C.M.*, I.C. Burke,
K.A. Palmquist, J.B. Bradford & W.K. Lauenroth. Reclamation after oil and gas development does not speed up succession or plant community recovery in big sagebrush ecosystems in Wyoming. Restoration Ecology 26: 114-123.
Bradford, J.B., D.R. Schlaepfer,
W.K. Lauenroth & K.A. Palmquist. Robust ecological drought projections for drylands in the 21st century. Global Change Biology 26(7): 3906-3919.


Lindquist, L.W.§,
K.A. Palmquist, S.E. Jordan* & W.K. Lauenroth. Impacts of climate change on groundwater recharge in Wyoming big sagebrush ecosystems are contingent on elevation. Western North American Naturalist 79 (1): 4.
Pennington, V.E.*, J.B. Bradford, D.R. Schlaepfer, J.L. Beck,
K.A. Palmquist & W.K. Lauenroth. Sagebrush, greater sage-grouse, and the occurrence and importance of forbs. Western North American Naturalist 76(3): 298-312.
Palmquist, K.A., D.R. Schlaepfer, R.R. Renne, S.C. Torbit, K.E. Doherty, T.E. Remington, G. Watson, J.B. Bradford & W.K. Lauenroth​​. Divergent climate change effects on widespread dryland plant communities driven by climatic and ecohydrological gradients. Global Change Biology 27: 5169-5185.
Reeves, M.C., M.E. Manning, J.P. DiBenedetto,
K.A. Palmquist, W.K. Lauenroth, J.B. Bradford, & D.R. Schlaepfer. 2017. Chapter 7: Effects of climate change on rangeland vegetation in the Northern Rockies mountains. Pgs 97-114. In: Halofsky, J.E.; Peterson, D.L.; Dante-Wood, S.K.; Hoang, L.; Ho, J.J.; Joyce, L.A., editors. Climate change vulnerability and adaptation in the Northern Rocky Mountains. Fort Collins, CO: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station. 
Palmquist, K.A., D.R. Schlaepfer, J.B. Bradford & W.K. Lauenroth. Spatial and ecological variation in dryland ecohydrological responses to climate change: implications for management. Ecosphere 7(11): e01590. 
Tessel, S.M.,
K.A. Palmquist & R.K. Peet. Species-Area Relationships. In Oxford Bibliographies Online: Ecology. Ed. David Gibson. New York: Oxford University Press. 
Martyn, T.*, C.W. Beltz*,
K.A. Palmquist, V.E. Pennington*, C.M. Rottler* & W.K. Lauenroth. Daubenmire versus line-point intercept: a response to Thacker et al (2015). Rangelands 37(4): 158-160.
Mitchell, S.R.,
K.A. Palmquist, S. Cohen & N.L. Christensen. Patterns of vegetation composition and diversity in pine-dominated ecosystems of the lower Coastal Plain of North Carolina: Implications for ecosystem restoration. Forest Ecology and Management 356: 64-73. 
Palmquist, K.A., R.K. Peet & S.R. Mitchell. Scale-dependent responses of longleaf pine vegetation to fire frequency and environmental context across two decades. Journal of Ecology 103: 998-1008. 
Lopez, B.E., K.R. Burgio, M.B. Carlucci,
K.A. Palmquist, A. Parada, V.P. Weinberger & A.H. Hurlbert. A new framework for inferring community assembly processes using phylogenetic information, relevant traits and environmental gradients. One Ecosystem 1: 1-24

Palmquist, K.A., R. K. Peet & S.C. Carr. Xeric Longleaf Pine Vegetation of the Atlantic and East Gulf Coastal Plain: an Evaluation and Revision of Associations within the U.S. National Vegetation Classification. Proceedings of the US National Vegetation Classification 1(1): 1-70.
Coyle, J.R., F.W. Halliday, B.E. Lopez,
K.A. Palmquist, P.A. Wilfahrt & A.H. Hurlbert. Using trait and phylogenetic diversity to evaluate the generality of the stress-dominance hypothesis in eastern North American tree communities. Ecography 37: 1-13. Editor's choice.


Peet, R.K.,
K.A. Palmquist & S.M. Tessel. Herbaceous layer species richness of southeastern forests and woodlands: patterns and causes. In: F.S. Gilliam and M.R. Roberts, eds. The herbaceous layer in forests of Eastern North America, Chapter 10, Second edition. Oxford University Press, New York, New York. Pages 255-276.
Palmquist, K.A., R.K. Peet & A.S. Weakley. Reduced fire frequency and long-term drought drive species loss in one of the most species-rich longleaf pine savannas in the United States. Journal of Vegetation Science 25:1426-1437.